Melalueca Home for the Aged
Melaleuca is a very small not-for-profit, non-sectarian Aged Care Facility consisting of 48 Beds (Residential Care). We are a “stand alone” community-based organisation that has no financial support from the larger church or other such community groups.
The “concept” of Melaleuca was initiated back in 1974 and finally came to fruition in 1982 as a result of a fund-raising campaign launched by many local services clubs, small business and individuals who pledged their support. As a community-based organisation, Melaleuca is overseen by a Board of Governance. Members of the Board make up a significant wealth of knowledge, skills and experience in the community. At Melaleuca we are passionate about both ageing and providing high levels of care for our residents.
We recognise the importance of the family unit and families overall and encourage family participation in all activities and functions. We also encourage families to be part of Melaleucas solution to providing high levels of care.
Melaleuca uses planned (and often spontaneous) activities along with other Leisure and Lifestyle activities to enhance the quality of life and make the ageing and care process as enjoyable as possible.
We provide further education and refresher training to all staff to ensure that the latest best practice care skills can be used when providing care for our residents. Melaleuca has a proud history of being advocates for ageing, families and residents in the aged care sector, and often at the forefront of state and national initiatives and policy development.
We are proud of our heritage and the high standard of care we provide to our residents.
Our Philosophy
- We acknowledge and respect that Melaleuca is the home of the residents that live here and respect their right of choice in the provision of services.
- We believe each person is a unique and special individual who needs affection, laughter and encouragement and who brings enjoyment to their family, community and world.
- We encourage and enhance personal independence and autonomy in everyday life and respect of each person’s right to privacy, dignity and independent decision making.
- We believe in protecting the rights of residents, advocating for them and challenging bias. We promote working together peacefully and encourage understanding and social justice.
- We endorse the concept of providing holistic care so each person can live a quality life and die with dignity.
- We recognise the importance of family partnerships and believe our service will be enriched through their valuable contributions. We accept each resident and family in relation to their values, culture, beliefs and abilities.
- We nourish relationships with our community. We welcome community involvement recognising it as an evolving resource benefiting the resident, family and community.
- We believe in rich relationships within our organisation. We desire and promote professional and personal growth resulting in acceptance, support and celebration of each other.
- We acknowledge the original custodians of this land. We believe in a positive and proactive approach to our environment and encourage care givers and residents to discover respect for the land, nature and animals. We continue our journey towards a sustainable future for the wellbeing of all in the community

Our Mission
Working as a dedicated team to provide optimum care, consideration and dignity (for our residents and families) in a safe and happy environment.
How it will be achieved
The Mission of Melaleuca will be achieved through:
- The delivery of best practice residential care;
- The continued development of positive partnerships with residents, families, staff, management, board and the community;
- The provision of flexible, affordable care options that respond to community needs; and,
- Prudent and informed management at strategic and operational levels in relation to people, resources and finances.
Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan will assist Melaleuca to build on our past successes and continue to improve our service delivery to our residents, families and the community over the next 5 years.

Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) Member
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) is the national Industry Association for aged care providers offering retirement living, seniors housing, residential care, home care, community care and related services.